
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Friday, June 24, 2011

STK TRUK no more, WAS STK is coming

 If all goes according to plan, the next time I release any photos will be at SEMA later this year. The truck is currently sitting at The Painters Shack in San Bernardino. It should be finished painted in the next two weeks and then it will head to Xtreme Audio in Riverside, Ca. The interior is at AC Upholstery in Nuevo, Ca. They do the most amazing work and the motor is going to Wilk Works in Nuevo, Ca. for a complete overhaul. Keep your fingers crossed.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Ink N Iron 2011, Music, Tattoos, and Cars!

It's crazy that I've never been to this show before. It's overwhelmingly huge. I can't say it's the best show ever because it wasn't but it was a good time. The car show itself wasn't that big. I don't think their was over 150 cars there. But the cars that were there were awesome.

I ran into Bob Grant at a Tattoo Booth randomly while he was getting his ST tattoo. It was nice to see that Bob and Zak both from Grant Kustoms brought out rides.

The tattoo convention which takes place inside the Queen Mary is a whole other animal. It was huge, and crowded like crazy. I definitely wouldn't plan on coming to this show to party, with beers being $9!! But if you wanted to see cool rides, hot chicks and get a sweet tattoo this is a great place.

Our buddy from Slapstick Tattoo in Yokohama, Japan came to the show with the shop I work for, Tattoo Revolution. Taka and Brent tattooed all weekend. I know they are going back for sure next year, so I'm sure that means I'll be there too. 


Last Call 2011

This weekend is a blur!

 You see not only did Severed Ties host a show for Bradley Lang (RIP) but it was also the No Regrets 11 year anniversary. Way too much partying for one weekend.

The ST show took place at the same Harley Dealer as last year, (which one I don't know, details details...) as I pulled I could immediately tell that the parking lot was much busier than last year. I'm guessing their was roughly 150-200 vehicles. You couldn't have asked for better weather, I mean it was slightly hot, but not intolerable.

I was there long enough to say hello to friends and check out all the cool cars. But I had to leave because Paco from New Mexico No Regrets was getting married later that day. Check out the link below and check out the show coverage from the show.


Friday, June 17, 2011

I've been kind of busy....

I know I haven't been blogging, but geez! I've been busy. Two weekends in Vegas, followed by Ink N Iron. And my computer has been sort of down. I had it upgraded to windows 7 and CS5 and it didn't go as planned.

At any rate, I found this amazing blog that I just love. Coolest pictures around. I'm not 100% but this blogger is either an X minitrucker, or knows some. I base this on the fact that their are a few pics of some Minis, but also a few of my pics and a pic of Mike Alexanders car. I could be wrong though, but at any rate. I stayed up until 2am last night looking through every single post on there.

Check out Mr. Mr. is Cool when you get a chance. 
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