
Friday, February 25, 2011

Just Another Day at Work

As the Shop manager for Tattoo Revolution I always have to come up with interesting ways to get the shop name out there. Of course having a friend like Lowlife Mike makes it easier for me, because after all he has a great talent. I knew that Mike liked getting tattooed so I figured why not use his talents to help us out, and help him out at the same time.

I asked Mike to help me make some clips and so far we've made two. The first was a clip for Marc Jackson; it was a hand Tattoo. On 2-23-11 he came into the shop to do the second clip and had Aaron Funk tattoo a portrait of his daughter on his ribs. It was about a four hour process and we filmed the whole thing. We did take it a step further and did it live also. Sure, it wasn't as awesome as we envisioned but we learned a crap load of things through the process. First we learned that we need to turn the audio on and we should probably use a station that has a better vantage point for placing the cameras.

Aaron Funk doing work!

The finished product. (picture courtesy of Lowlife Mike)

Check out some of the shots from the shoot and I'll be sure to post the video when it's finished. And be sure to stop by Tattoo Revolution and check out the work we do.

Lowlife Mike Tattoo Revolution Shoot - Photobucket


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