
Thursday, May 19, 2011

To Better Days - Weekend Celebrity Productions Review

I'm sitting here thinking really hard about how the hell I met Chris and Brandon from Crimepays Video. I really can't remember, I can't even think how far back we go at all, has it been five years? Has it been six years? I really have no clue, I mean, I know I've been talking to these guys for sometime, but they seemed to have just popped up out of nowhere. I can however remember seeing some of their first videos, I always knew these guys had talent and I did always enjoy their videos in the beginning. After watching their latest title "To Better Days" I can honestly say that they have blown me away with how far they've come.

Now as some of you may know, I was sort of a player in the video scene for some time, but the fact of the matter is that I don't know shit about editing or filming DVD's. What I do know is how to be an ass in front of the camera, and I can promote the shit out of something. So as I sat and watched this video, I don't know whether the cues are right, I don't know whether the colors are on point or not. But what I do know is that it was easy on the eye and highly entertaining. I was lucky enough to watch this video in HD on my 62-inch flat screen with surround sound and it really popped out at me. The camera work in this video has blown me away. I started watching it as I was editing pictures, and I actually had to stop what I was doing and watch the damn thing without any distractions.
the crew
I won't lie to you guys, I used to be one of those guys that would fast forward through a lot of the videos out there. It could have been the music or the particular feature. But I sat through this whole video, in awe and completely entertained, now and then I even laughed (thanks Oliver Porter for that comedic relieve!) The choice of features was great, because they seem to cover all the genres. You want a mini, they had it, you want a full-size, done, how about something old school, yeah, they got that too! And the models, wow, definitely don't let your wife or girlfriend catch you watching that part.

One thing that was definitely on point in this DVD (besides the models) is the perfect blend of talking and music. I really like that,  this kind of video is great to play in the background at any party. The kind of music they had isn't for everybody but it certainly is modern and easy to listen too, it's a great blend also. None of that crazy senseless screaming!

I think I've rambled enough about how great of video these goobers put out. They deserve a lot of credit for their hard work and dedication and I think you guys should definitely put this on your "To Buy" list, along with a Mind of Macias shirt of course. And Brandon, I expect my check in the mail by Friday!!! This kind of crap doesn't write itself! Just kidding of course. But seriously Chris, Brandon, and crew, great job, keep it up and don't stop putting out those videos, go out there and turn some more people into "Weekend Celebrities!"

To visit Weekend Celebrity Productions on Facebook click HERE
and be sure to check out their website tell em Ernie sent you!


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