
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

AccuAir eXo Mounts

If you love air suspension their is a good chance that by now you've heard of AccuAir. If you haven't, in a nutshell,  It's basically a system that allows your vehicle to adjust to certain pre-set heights. It's the best thing to happen to minitrucks since body drops, and it just makes life a lot easier.

It's the coolest system available and now it's even cooler with their new eXo mount. Their products are so tight, you wouldn't even want to hide it. The pre-built mounting system gives you a great way to clean up your system and mount it easily to your truck or car. It can be configured for 3 or 5-gallon tanks, and one or two compressors. I've been reading up on AccuAir and their system a lot lately because I plan on purchasing a unit for WAS STK (previously STK TRUK) but before I buy it I wanted to make sure it really was something I would enjoy.

I got to see their products in action at last years SEMA and I've seen it in action at shows. I've come to the conclusion that as soon as I can save up enough pennies I'm going to pick one up. After I do, I'll be sure to let you guys know how I like it and how well it responds.


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