
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Lowlife Days

No trip to Japan would be complete with out one of my partners in crime, Mr. Mike Alexander.
 I know that posting blogs, in the middle of the night is pointless. Well, not completely pointless since our brothers in Australia are up, but for the most part, it just means that most people won't see it. I'm going to take my chances though since I really want to share these shots. I've came to the conclusion that I have enough pics to post for a year.
Our early trips to Japan were all business. We found ourselves working all the time.

Here is Makoto cruising in his truck.
This is the time when my brain seems to spin the most. I've had a few drinks, and it's almost midnight. But after a very brief discussion with my good friend Mike Alexander about blogs this weekend and my lunch with Max Fish today, I got motivated. Looking for pics to help my buddy Steve Wilk from Wilk Worx I found a ton of cool pics. So I figured why not share. 
We were on our way to a photo shoot.

One of the many clean ass Japanese trucks we shot.
I found some pictures from my Lowlife Video/Mini Truckin' Magaizne days. I know that these days are gone and behind me, but they sure were some good times. My favorite days were probably spent traveling in the south, hanging with my friends from DIB and hitting all those southern state shows. But my trips from Japan come in close second. These trips were priceless. I honestly think they were so awesome, that they never even sunk in. I mean, here we were, a handful of American "jerks" doing our think in Japan. We didn't hold back, maybe we should have. After all the customs (I don't mean the cars/trucks) in Japan are so different. But here we were, being assholes, tearing shit up and attracting the cops (literally). All in all we never held back and were true to ourselves.

 Check out a couple of candid photos from some of our trips. 
I don't think a moment went buy that we weren't screwing around. Bobby from Sadistic Iron Werks most likely gave Makoto a nut shot here.

The Lowlife Mike I remember.

You should see this thing now. It's come a long way. This is when it was shot for MT magazine the second time. I think this thing has run three times in MT now.

Love this 720. Nissan 720's are very popular in Japan. Picking a clean one to shoot is easy, since most of them look this good.

I didn't shoot this thing. Mike Alexander did. I took advantage of the set-up though and sneaked this shot in.

I did shoot this thing. Shooting in the middle of the day isn't always something you want to do as a magazine photographer. But in Japan you shoot when you can, especially on our crazy schedule. But getting the train in the shot was painfully timed and I love this shot.

Strange photo shoot. The dad was here, and his hot daughter was the owner.

Believe it or not, this is the effect I was going for in this shot. The subject is Takuji Murayama, the President of No Regrets Japan. We were cruising in his body dropped Toyota Pick up.

I absolutely loved this photo shoot. I had to ride with the owner of this truck for what seemed like forever. He didn't speak a word of English and I didn't speak a word of Japanese, but we both spoke minitruck.


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