
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Lowlife Video: No Regrets Issue 2 behind the scenes

The story of how I met the Lowlife Mike we all know and love now starts the day he came out to shoot my truck.

It was early March of 2004 and Lowlife Mike was shooting the Forbidden Fantasy show, we had met briefly before but to tell you the truth I didn't even  know his name. I just knew him as the "Camera Man" for Lowlife Video. He came up to me and asked for an interview with me and NR 1 my bright red 1994 Mitsubishi Mighty Max. As we were interviewing I noted that I had sold the Mitsu and that it was leaving that following week. Mike continued filming and the day went on.

A few days later I got a call from Mike asking me if he could come film the truck before it left, he had a sense of urgency in his tone, I found out later that NR 1 was Mikes most favorite Minitruck of all time . "Sure, come on down" is what I said. But the truck was leaving Thursday and this was a Monday that he had called me on, I didn't know if it would work out. A few hours later Mike called me and asked if we could pick him up at the airport Tuesday late night, what the hell does this guy do for a living I thought, who can take time off like that? Steve Wilk and I went to the airport picked up Mike and treated him to some Dennys later that Tuesday night. He laid out a plan to shoot the truck on Wednsday just in time for the truck to be ready to leave. He also noted that we should get a model, wich I knew would be tough on such short notice but luckily for me my good friend Lori was available and the shoot was a huge sucess and would later end up on the Cover of Lowlife Video Issue #2 which is actually called No Regrets.

The truck left on Thursday as planned and then I asked Mike the question that would shape the next few years of both of our lives. Seriously!

"Do you want me to take you to the airport or do you want to go to Las Vegas with me for the Underground Minis Freemont Experience show?"

Wow, I didn't know what I got myself into because he of course he opted for Vegas, we partied and the rest is history. We spent the next five years on tour with Lowlife Video which was easily one of the best years of my life.

this picture was taken when we were setting up to shoot the interview.

Notice the truck that would later become "Bring it On" in the driveway, wish I would have never taken that truck apart.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Look Behind the Scenes With Lowlife Video Part 2

This is a follow up to an earlier post about a month back, i don't know how I missed these gems lol

Max's face is classic!

Back on the wagon!

As some of you who read this blog already know, I was running on the street a few weeks back. I was doing pretty good, ever since I started the Couch 2 5K program, it set goals that were practical. All was well until I started having shin pain then followed by knee pain. So I had to quit running on the street until I could buy a treadmill.

That is until a couple of my friends told me about Fitness 19 here in town. It's a small gym that has enough equipment for a guy like me. I'm not looking to be the next Mr. America, I just want to get fit and loose some weight. So two days ago I signed up! It's only $12 a month with no contract. You can't really beat that. I can use a treadmill whenever I want for $60 a year. That sure beats having one at home taking up valuable space here at home.

So today I ran 1.25 Miles on it to start Week 3 of the C25K program. Of course I used other things in the gym and was there for an hour. I'm hoping to be able to do the 5K without stopping in six more weeks. I just wish I had something to track my calorie loss on every work out. But I'm going to look more into that later.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

2011 Honda CRZ

It's not typical of me to like a Honda, but for some reason this new CRZ from Honda is just something I find very appealing. I first saw one this weekend parked in front of the movie theater. All white with black 18-inch tuner wheels.

For some reason I really liked it, I didn't even know what it was until I posted something on Facebook and was told by some people on there what it was. Once I got home after watching Tango I knew I had to look it up. A fully loaded one is in the $24,000 US range. Not too bad for a Hybrid I suppose. I may look into getting one.

I plan on test driving one next week. I'll let you know what I think about it after. 
I'm a big fan of the all white one.
I'm not into the whole Tuner look, but this thing looks pretty cool!

Typically I really like red cars but this one doesn't do it for me.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Update on the Datsun I posted

It's for sale again on craigslist right now!!!!!


I still don't like it, but it's interesting.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Great site to visit and see what our brothers on the other end of the world are up too!
I discovered a new site today, apparently I've been getting a few hits from a site called It's a Message Board from Down Under and it's a pretty cool place to hang out. I only lurked on it today and haven't signed up (yet)but I suggest everybody does, go show em what us "Yanks" are building and share some love. Tell Em Ernie sent you.
Also I noticed that member Rayvin gave me some love on page 72 and recommended to everybody and for that I thank you!

Opel/Vauxhall Zafira Facelift

The ALL NEW Zafira arrives next year, But reports say that Opel/Vauxhall will continue to sell a facelifted version of the current Zafira. Heres what It could look like.

Original (Vauxhall Zafira)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

I'm an Artist too!

Back in 2006 sometime, I was in Maui for some minitruck show, Xtreme Autofest or something like that. Anyways, we were at a restaurant and I was telling a story about how I used to draw minitrucks in High School. I ended up drawing some minitrucks on a napkin and signing them. I don't remember what happened to the actual drawings but for some reason I took a cell phone pic of them. Here they are in all their glory.

As you can see I draw like shit! I'm proud of my drawings though because they take me back to a time when minitrucks were simple and tilt beds ruled the world. If anybody is interested in a rendering let me know, I'll draw you one and mail it to you, Okay, I'm lying. I'm sure we can all agree that most three year olds have more talent than this, but they're fun anyways. Enjoy!

Please note the awesome palm tree, TV antenna on the Shell (topper) and the music notes!
Local Motion, whose old enough to remember that!
Tilt bed, crazy antenna, oh man!!!
How cool would this be on a T-Shirt?!?!! Somebody make me one lol

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Mike Alexander...

I came to the conclusion today that this car is actually too cool for Mike Alexander. That is all.

1966 Lincoln Continental, 2 DOOR!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tattoos for Japan!

On March 20th in the city of Relands, over $3000 dollars was raised in less than 12 hours for a few good friends in Japan. Tattoos for Japan was the brilliant idea of Brent Vann, owner of Tattoo Revolution, my boss, and my friend. (Don't tell him I said boss though because he doesn't like that) The idea was simple $100 palm sized and all the money including the tips would go to Japan.

Rick Mullins got the first Tattoo of the Day

It started out as a simple idea and we were hoping to raise $1000. In no time though we could tell that this wasn't going to be an ordinary day, and luckily for Brent and I, three other artists decided to lend a hand. Aaron Funk, Marc Jackson and Eric Olquin jumped in and started tatttooing to help Brent tattoo 25 people. Of course I have to say that Mr. Joe Greene and Kyle Spencer also did an awesome job of helping me with stations and tubes that day. All in all it was a great shop effort and makes me proud of the shop I work for. I'm also greateful for all my friends that came by to help with donations, and to hang out with us that day. I wish I could name them all but that would be impossible.

Being a minitrucker sometimes isn't all it's cracked up to be, but being in No Regrets has thaught me that it's all about the people you surround yourself with. Not all 25 people were members of No Regrets, but nearly half of them were. It makes me proud of my members and my friends, and especially to say that I work for Tattoo Revolution.

Members of No Regrets So Cal from Left to Right, Clyde, Jose, Eron

I'd like to close by saying thanks to a few people who contributed in one way or another that day. In no particular order:

Mike Venegas for coming out and filming that day.
Brent Vann
Joe Greene
Marc Jackson
Kyle Spencer
Eric Olquin
Aaron Funk
John O'neill
Chris Pasley
Steve Wilk
Max and Sandi Fish
Tim From Bio, Sorry I don't know your last name Tim, but thanks for bringing all your friends.
All the guys from No Regrets So Cal, especially Eron Leader and Jason Fry for staying late and helping me out later that night.

This was the first Tattoo of the Day on Rick Mullins by Brent Vann

Clyde Barela of No Regrets So Cal getting a lip Tattoo

Two No Regrets So Cal trucks

Sandi Fish brought out her Watson inspired 61 Cadillac painted by her husband Max Fish

Max Fish from Bio Kustumz gets his wrist Tattooed with a crowd in the lobby

Tim from Bio Kustumz is getting his Tramp Stamp

Sandi makes it look easy

Lowlife Mike hard at work

NR So Cal member Ben is getting an NR star by Eric Olquin with the Islands of Japan over it

Aaron Funk not only tattooed but he also provided a free BBQ for everybody

Jayson Fry another NR So Cal member gets an NR Tattoo

Lowlife Mike didn't just film the whole thing, he also contributed to the good cause by getting a Tattoo

Here is my contribution to the cause, I recieved an I Love Japan Tattoo by Brent Vann

Craigslist Finds!

My friends and I find the craziest stuff on craigslist, especially when it comes to cars. This little gem I've been sitting on for a while and just thought I would share. It's been sold for some time now and is probably retired to a lawn service by now.

Frontier front end on a Datsy 620!
Does it look Chopped!?!?
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