I've been thinking a lot about Showfest this year, after all last year it was the most memorable show for me. I've been thinking about the past shows I've been too as well, the incredible times I had at those shows. The memories; Cops, Lowlife Video, cruising the streets, hanging with the locals, 3600 mile round trip, the amazing food, food fights at Shoneys, and buying the entire diner food on Lowlife Mikes credit Card and all the amazing friends I made.
Thinking about this made me look for old pictures of the show. I then realized that I had pictures of the show from 2004, 2005 and 2006. The pictures from 2004 were half taken from me and half by my buddy Steve Wilk, and the 05 pictures were definitely taken by me and 06 were the first time I shot it for a magazine. Such awesome memories. I'm glad the show came back and I'm looking forward to going this year. I'll be there from Friday to Monday. This year I'm shooting the show freelance for Trucktrends Magazine from Japan, and If at all possible I will be helping New Mini Truckin' Magazine editor John Mata shoot some features. You never know how busy he might get.
NR 1 and High School Mini at last years show!
Showfest 2010, Tunica, MS - Photobucket -
10 Flicker
Showfest 2004 - Photobucket
04 Flicker
Showfest 2005 - Photobucket
05 Flicker
Showfest 2006 - Photobucket
06 flicker
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