For me this wasn't going to be an average Saturday cruise in my 72 Monte. My morning started early, 6 am. I woke up early because I knew it was going to be a long drive to Van Nuys from
Doing about 85 mph we got to the show in less than two hours, not bad I thought. When we rolled in the first car we see is Roger O'Dell's bright pink 57 Cadillac. I knew we were in for a treat. Right a way a friendly face comes up to me an says I can park anywhere I want, the grass or the parking lot. My car being a daily and kind of beat I opted for the parking lot, I hid in between an old 70s suburban close to a PT cruiser. That might have been the only car that I was shocked to see. But hey, they apparently don't discriminate.
As the day went on, people were bbq'ing (made up word) throughout the park. Carne Asada was in the air. We started getting hungry and that's about the time the LB guys started up the grill for their free BBQ. Because the BBQ was free I decided I would donate to the raffle by buying as many tickets as I could since all the money was going to charity. That ended up paying off for me, I won two raffles including a bad ass skateboard. All in all, to me the day was a huge success. Jimmy, who slept for half the show in the back seat of my car, Steve and I had a great time, it was worth the drive and bottoming out my car on the 101 over and over again. I can tell you that if they have it again, I know I'll be back and next time maybe I'll bring a few more friends along. I know they had some hot dogs left over and I know a few fat kids that will help with that.
Thanks to all the Los Boulevardos members for the great time! Click the link below to see a few shots from teh show
Los Boulevardos BBQ 2011 - Photobucket
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